State Auto Insurance Co.

Size GHG Emissions Calculation and Benchmarking
HEAPY partnered with State Auto to measure and analyze their carbon footprint. HEAPY’s sustainability and resiliency expertise in carbon footprint calculation and materiality assessments proved instrumental in this partnership. HEAPY worked closely with State Auto’s team to quantify their greenhouse gas emissions and identify relevant Scope 3 emissions categories, focusing on sources that have the greatest environmental impact beyond their direct operations.
The collaboration began with a comprehensive data collection process, where HEAPY collaborated with State Auto’s sustainability team to gather relevant operational data. This included energy usage and other factors that contribute to their carbon emissions. HEAPY utilized established methodologies and emission factors to calculate State Auto’s carbon footprint.
Furthermore, HEAPY conducted a materiality assessment, which involved a systematic evaluation of State Auto’s Scope 3 emissions. The assessment aimed to identify relevant emission sources that hold the most significance in terms of their potential environmental impact, stakeholder concerns, and business value.
By leveraging HEAPY’s expertise and the insights gained from the materiality assessment, State Auto gained a holistic view of their carbon footprint and a clearer understanding of their most significant emission sources. Armed with this knowledge, State Auto can now focus on implementing targeted strategies to quantify their emissions in priority areas, collaborate with suppliers to drive sustainability improvements, and enhance their overall environmental performance.