CareSource Retro-Commissioning

Cost $92,000 Annual Cost Savings
Size 261,000 SF
Maintaining comfort and system uptime are top priorities for the CareSource corporate headquarters. The complex yet high-performance HVAC systems installed in 2008 were capable of accomplishing the mission-critical nature of the facility, though a significant opportunity to optimize these systems existed before the retro-commissioning effort was completed by HEAPY.
In partnership with the facilities team and their preferred controls partner, HEAPY identified several energy conservation measures that were implemented in approximately 1 month. The result is a 12% reduction in energy consumption or $92,000 in annual energy cost avoidance. With incentives, CareSource returned their investment in 2 months.
Occupant feedback indicated a significant improvement in space comfort, and facilities staff are at ease given an efficient yet effective building operation after the retro-commissioning effort.