Bon Secours St. Francis Medical Center

HEAPY was engaged by Bon Secours Mercy Health provide building Commissioning services on the 45,000 square-foot Emergency Department Expansion at the St. Francis Downtown Medical Center in Greenville, South Carolina. The renovation expands the hospitals emergency room capacity from 18 to 42 rooms, with state-of-the-art medical equipment for X-Rays, CTs, Trauma Centers and laboratories for fast turnaround patient care. The commissioning team focused on ensuring system airflows are maintained for pressure dependent spaces such as isolation rooms, and critical temperatures are maintained for the laboratory equipment, and patient exam rooms.
The new expansion facility is located adjacent to the central energy plant, and the existing utilities for the main hospital were moved to allow for the building. These utilizes were then connected into new equipment for chilled water, high pressure steam, and condensate. To ensure the new facility and existing hospital maintain critical utilities are system start-up, HEAPY performed functional tests on the chilled water and steam systems to ensure the design conditions are met at all locations.
HEAPY utilized SkySpark Building Analytics software to perform data analysis during the commissioning process on the tested systems and will be monitoring-based commissioning for the central plant and new emergency department expansion throughout the warranty period and seasonal changes. Utilizing a live data stream of BACnet data, system metrics are being collected in real time. HEAPY’s team of commissioning engineers and energy engineers identified system faults, issues, and opportunities continuous system. Working with the contractors and facilities staff, findings were prioritized and tracked for validation to ensure a resilient and efficient system.
Project Scope/Systems include:
- One Custom air handling unit
- 85 Hot water reheat air terminal units
- Two Isolation room high plume exhaust fans
- Five General exhaust fans
- One Steam to hot water heat exchanger
- Two Variable volume hot water pumps
- Two Steam to hot water domestic hot water
heaters - Two Domestic hot water recirculation pumps
- Four Packaged pressure powered pumps
- Four Split system heat pumps
- Siemens Building Automation System
and Integration - Central Energy Plant Functional Testing
– 3 steam boilers
– 3 water cooled chillers and primary pumps
– 1 plate and frame heat exchanger
– 2 variable volume secondary pumps