A BIG recognition happened in the Big Brother’s Big Sister’s (BBBS) Miami Valley organization at this year’s 2nd annual “Bright Nights” event. HEAPY employee, Erick Lovett received Big of the Miami Valley 2019 Award! Congrats Erick!

BBBS is the nation’s largest donor and volunteer-supported mentoring network. The organization match adult volunteers, “Bigs” and children, “Littles” ages 6 through 18. Their ultimate mission is to develop 1-to-1 relationships that have a lasting, positive impact on children and young adults that help change and empower their lives for the better and to help them succeed in life! Over the years Erick has continued to be a positive role model in his Little’s life. 

Erick has been an active member in BBBS for over six years and is now on the Recruitment Council for the organization. He is continuing to create positive experiences and a lasting, strong relationship with his Little and is also helping to match other future Bigs with their future Littles to create more positive and impactful relationships!

Erick’s BBBS Q&A!

Q: How did you come across Big Brother’s Big Sister’s and what made you want to become a Big? 

A: “A representative from Big Brother’s Big Sister’s came to HEAPY several years back to discuss the school-based mentoring program at Southdale Elementary School. After listening to the representative speak about the program and the extreme need for mentors, I decided to get involved. I’m also now on the Recruitment Council for the organization.”

Q: What do you enjoy most about being a Big?

A: “Making a difference in my Little’s life and watching him evolve over the years.”

Q: What positive impacts come from being a part of Big Brother’s Big Sister’s?

A: “To me, the Big Brother’s Big Sister’s program instills confidence in kids and gives them an outlet to enjoy and do things that maybe was not possible before. I think having a positive role model in these kids’ lives will have a lasting impact.”

Q: What is your favorite activity you and your Little love to do together?

A: “I would say, going to sporting events and eating Chipotle!”